Machine vs Humans

Machine vs Humans
If machines take away our jobs, what would happen? Machine is a ​piece of ​equipment with several ​moving ​parts that uses ​power to do a ​particular ​type of ​work. Machines play an important role in human life since Machines are one of the inventions that makes our lives easier by doing some of the work that people do. The controversy regarding machines are whether or not machines will replace human. Although Computer experts think that unimaginable futuristic world is much closer than you think with the help of machines, some of scientists don’t accept this idea because they reckon that machines which think in the same way with people, develop logic do not seem logical to enter our lives.  Even though it has been asserted that machine can not replace us, I believe that one day machines can feel, think as human and even they do anythings which humans can not do. I think that Today’s technology is not adequate for this, but I know in near future this is possible. there are many a example which support this idea such as TrueNorth. TrueNorth which was developed under SYNAPSE Project which has been maintained by IBM (ınternational Business Machines) has learning ability as human brain. However, It is thought that This computer is expected to take years for learning as humans. If we look at history, we can see that today, there exists smarter devices than past.  Technology is getting smarter and smarter and when we think, the end of this progress is going through machine acting as human. Futurist Ray Kurzweil suggested in his book called ‘The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology’  that In 2029 computers will be so smart as people and in the year 2045 they will reach billions of times the levels of human intelligence. Bill Hibbard, who is the computer science expert of Wisconsin-Madison University in USA, uttered that he is certain that machines will defeat human intelligence in the 21st century. In addition, Hibbard says ‘’ that my forecast will be true means that machines will become superior from us in time people come into the World.’’

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