LGBT rights have been a significant subject for a long time. They have been struggling against hetero people and homophobics. Due to their sexual tendencies they are forced to kill or isoleted from the society. There are such problems they face in Turkey like being killed, beaten, exposing rape, prostution, getting out of from their work…etc.

         According to Turkish traditions and due to some religious beliefs, homosexualism is a crime and sin so that people have a strict idea towards homosexualism. When people notice or learn that their relatives or friends one of the member of LGBT they want to kill that people especially in the east part of the country it is seen barer and LGBT people fear about confessing their feelings otherwise they are threatened to be killed and they have to escape  from their homes.

Besides humiliated by the society, LGBT people are beaten by their family members because their situation is seen as a guilt by the society rules. Family’s leader shames and has the LGBT person beaten.

After escaping from their homes, LGBT people are exposed to rape and can not deffense themselves. Because there is no rule to ban the rape of homosexualism. Their power is so limited they are not able to being respected whatever they do, however they are a good person.

As they do not have any help from their environment, they find the money in prostitution. Most of them do not want to do this profession but they can not do anything apart from accepting their loneliness. They face so many troubles at streets from stealing their moneys to being injured. They are humiliated by their bosses and customers. It damages them both physically and psyhologically.

As a result, they live in really bad conditions in Turkey, people’s prejudices draw their fate and leave them in a deep and dark hole. People should understand that they are also have feelings, they are also human and they are also living in the world. They should be accepted with their all pluses and minuses. Neglecting them does not mean anything or harming their body. However their body is damaged, their hormons and emotions do not change so people should give up their homophobie tol ive in a more colorful world!                                      

  Yazar: MERT OZAN

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